Jessica Ainsworth

Jessica Ainsworth

Jessica Ainsworth, Founder of Pendragon Consulting, LLC, a digital marketing agency based out of Maryland, is focused on helping businesses expand their reach into new pools of potential customers. She has a strong background in research and analytics and has turned that into a passion for marketing. Author of The Beginner’s Guide to Facebook Advertising: Create Impactful Ads and Increase Your Return on Investment and The Beginner’s Guide to Content Marketing: How to Drive Traffic, Provide Value and Increase Revenue, Jessica loves teaching small businesses how to stand on their own two feet to remain competitive without having to pay an agency to do it for them (unless they want to - in which case, give Pendragon a call).

Former intelligence analyst and total nerd, Jessica has a special fondness for research and analytics. Having a strong background in analytics, marketing seemed like an almost natural career transition. She is a veteran, author, marketing professional, philanthropist and board member at 22 March for Life, a veteran suicide prevention organization.


Search engine optimization (SEO) is a very prevalent tool in the marketing world. It is used by marketers to drive organic traffic to their website. SEO helps your content stand out without listing it as an advertisement. It can eventually get you more business - if used correctly.

SEO helps you to create awareness amongst the crowd. If your brand enjoys a loyal customer base, SEO helps by updating them on new product lines or features. For attracting potential customers, SEO helps put your brand out there on the map, so more people can know about what is it that your brand sells.