Search engine optimization (SEO) is a very prevalent tool in the marketing world. It is used by marketers to drive organic traffic to their website. SEO helps your content stand out without listing it as an advertisement. It can eventually get you more business - if used correctly.
SEO helps you to create awareness amongst the crowd. If your brand enjoys a loyal customer base, SEO helps by updating them on new product lines or features. For attracting potential customers, SEO helps put your brand out there on the map, so more people can know about what is it that your brand sells.
It has been a real challenge in such unprecedented times of Covid-19 for business owners to manage their teams remotely and simultaneously maintain productivity up to the mark. Unlike the IT domain which is having smooth sailing, the financial services sector has been impacted hugely as professionals find it difficult to handle a fully dispersed team.
Having no experience in managing the finance business remotely being the biggest barrier they are facing. And on the other hand, none of their employees had done anything like this previously which is making the situation even worse. It’s high time for both, organization and employees to trust each other more than ever.
No matter if you are a solopreneur or a small business owner, virtual assistants are your invaluable asset. Their responsibilities go far beyond traditional clerical duties. By delegating many business operations, from marketing to accounting, you significantly improve workplace performance and minimize operational costs.
Building customer loyalty is a monumental task for any company of any size. As the competition gets stiffer and market preference continues to change, it only takes one blunder to turn the whole game around. Whether you are running a well-established brand or a startup venture, you have no option but to meet customer expectations with quality service if you wish to stay relevant in the dawn of rising business competition today.
So how exactly can you do that? Here are some of the best practices that can help you to retain loyal customers and increase levels of repeat business.
Consumer Reports surveys have shown that nearly 91% of customers will not do business with you a second time if you botch the first encounter.
Finding your passions as a leader and learning ways how to cultivate them in your organisation is critical to running a high-performing business. Any business, more specifically a start-up venture, is a gamble but if your business idea is one that can potentially be profitable, then having an innate passion for what you do will make the difference between success and failure.
Here are five reasons why:
Running your own business is a no easy accomplishment. With a lot of moving parts that you need to keep in check, it can be quite challenging and daunting to operate. But when done right, venturing into your own business can be one of the most rewarding decisions you’ll ever make in your life.
If you’re planning, yet still afraid to take the challenge of entrepreneurship, then worry not because we’re here to help you out. Here are top 10 secrets you need to know to run a successful and profitable business.
Every manager or owner reaches a breaking point, and insistence to take on too much may end up affecting the company. How do you know when it’s time to delegate or outsource?
As a new business owner, you’re going to face an extraordinary amount of work and stress – that’s a given regardless of what type of company you build. Every startup faces long nights, early mornings, and days at a time spent at the office, doing the work necessary for building the business. While you need to put forth a great deal of effort, it’s important not to let yourself burn out. You’re going to need to learn to relinquish control over some aspects of your business to others. If you want to do this with more confidence, you’re going to need to learn how to effectively delegate.
If you’re a million dollar author like J.K. Rowling, creator of the Harry Potter series, it’s easy to achieve success with subsequent books. After all, you’re known, and loyal followers can't wait to pluck them off the shelf. The problem lies with your first book, and Rowling had massive problems with that one. Harry Potter spiraled through various rejections, before Joanne K. Rowling hit it. Rowling wrote fiction, but both fiction and nonfiction authors struggle to market that first book. Let’s see how two famous authors of each category succeeded.
Staying organized these days seems to be just as hard as ever, even with the thousands of apps and tools out there designed to make things easier. But one tool really stands out among the rest for online marketing and practically anything else - Trello - and it's because it's so darned simple. Imagine an old time card punch system. The card sat in the "out" slot until the employee came in, entered data to the card (by punching it) and moved it to the "in" slot. At the end of the pay period, the cards would be collected and taken to another location for processing paychecks. This is the simplicity of Trello.
If you have been paying any attention to current demographic trends, you know that Hispanics will make up 30% of the population by 2050. Other astounding facts: In 2010 they represented one trillion dollars in buying power. The figure will rise to $1.5 trillion in 2016- a 50% increase in five years.
This presents a huge opportunity to small businesses trying to grow sales. But implementing a marketing campaign aimed at Hispanics is tricky.
Here are a couple of pointers to consider:
Creating a campaign for Latino customers entails much more than just translating content into Spanish. In order to connect with this audience you should speak the language and the culture. The Hispanic demographic is more complex and diverse than its mainstream media portrait. It´s made out of people with different degrees of acculturation and language command.
Some individuals are totally bilingual, and thus, consume content on English and Spanish; some others are just barely proficient in either. To maximize results, marketers should go beyond the language and find cultural elements the audience identifies with.